Lead towards
a sustainable agricultural
supply chain

Lead towards a sustainable agricultural supply chain

Measure, report, and reduce the deforestation risk, land-sector emissions, and biodiversity impact of your agricultural supply chain. FLINTpro can help you at every step of your climate transition with rigorous scientific solutions and transparency.

Sustainable commodity sourcing is no longer an optional boost to your ESG score. It is an expectation of your customers, your investors, your employees – and your regulators. And those expectations are growing, now encompassing Scope 3 emissions, non-deforestation assurances, and biodiversity and other nature risks.

FLINTpro helps the food and consumer packaged goods sector identify the commodities and regions that put their sustainability promises at risk. Whether you are just getting a handle on your supply chain or are ready to take proactive measures to reduce your impact, we are here to help.

Our approach

We’ve pioneered environmental accounting over the last twenty years, taking the massive, evolving trove of land management data and empowering your decision-making with transparency and accuracy. That’s just one more reason why we’re leaders in nature analytics.

FLINTpro in action

Due diligence assessment

Rapidly assess emissions liability and other risks of your agricultural supply chain to the planet.

FLINTpro supports swift evaluation of deforestation risk, scope 3 emissions, and biodiversity impacts of agricultural commodities in your supply chain. These workflows use pre-built data to quickly vet suppliers and regions for sustainability risks during due diligence, whether you have the precise geospatial footprints of your suppliers or only a general knowledge of sourcing jurisdictions. Dashboards help you examine your overall supply chain risk and drill into its top contributors.

Reporting and compliance

Satisfy a range of ESG requirements covering Scope 3, deforestation, nature risks, and more

While remote sensing and ground data generally improve the quality of your assessment, we know that this data is costly and time-consuming to collect. That’s why our experts work with you to first identify your most critical data needs based on our initial screening, then incorporate that data into improved assessments for compliance-quality reporting.

FLINTpro’s compliant-ready outputs span a range of regulations and standards including GHG Protocol, SBTi, PCAF, TCFD, TNFD, and more. These results allow you to delve into granular details while maintaining the highest standards of rigor. See FLINTpro RegIQ for more.

Emissions reduction and mitigation

Make your move to net zero attainable with emissions projections under a range of scenarios

You have options for reducing your climate impact beyond your selection of your commodity sourcing.

Instead of abandoning a supplier altogether, take a targeted approach to work with that supplier to improve farming and land management practices. Use the scenario models inside FLINTpro Advanced Analytics to quantify the benefits of changing fertilizer usage or planting shade trees and cover crops.

Furthermore, as you work to net zero, use FLINTpro Forest Insights to assess the carbon abatement potential of reforestation projects anywhere in the world.

Sustainable land use is critical to our planet’s future. We are still learning how to quantify it: not just with Scope 1 carbon emissions, but with Scope 3 emissions, deforestation, and biodiversity effects. FLINTpro helps food and consumer packaged goods companies build a more sustainable supply chain and disclose those efforts to the world.