Integrating nature analytics to manage the future of
your business

Future-proof your footprint with FLINTpro technology

Technical and scientific advancements are leading to new tools serving the land sector. But not all tools are created equal. Many can satisfy a piece of the data, modeling, and reporting puzzle, but it can be overwhelming to optimally combine them into an effective solution for assessment and reporting of your deforestation risk, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity impact, and carbon project feasibility.

Access and interrogate nature layers

Our products provide integrated layers of nature data and models for businesses and investors to make better decisions to future-proof their footprint. Created by climate and policy experts and authors of the IPCC and GHG Protocol, you can understand the greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity implications of your land and commodity supply chain choices. We cover all continents and over 42 commodity choices including cocoa, palm oil, coffee, beef, wood and more.

What makes our technology different?

The FLINTpro system connects the technology components needed for a complete land sector analysis.
Adaptable input data

We can adapt to users’ varying knowledge about their areas of interest, whether it’s a generalized geopolitical region or a polygon for an individual field.

Rigorous scientific models

Remote sensing and historical data allows us to assess where we are today, while our models allow us to project into the future. This helps users understand opportunities in land management and set science-based climate and nature targets.

Comprehensive analytics and transparent reporting

Our transparent and compliance-ready reporting provides personalized insights from a plot of land to portfolio level through our easy-to-use dashboard and raw data formats that can be easily integrated with your own process.

The FLINTpro Models

The FLINTpro system executes a series of models to track carbon stock and other metrics over the past and possible futures of the land. These models must be:


FLINTpro models align with standards set by the IPCC, GHG Protocol, and other frameworks. This includes support for Tier 1, 2, and 3 methods.


At the simplest level, FLINTpro uses globally-available models with default input datasets to allow you to assess your land with no input besides where it is in the world.

Spatially explicit

FLINTpro's spatial resolution ranges from 10 m to 1 km depending on your use case and the resolution of input data. This allows us to capture all relevant detail, whether we’re modeling a single field or an entire country.

Temporally explicit

At the simplest level, FLINTpro uses globally-available models with default input datasets to allow you to assess your land with no input besides where it is in the world.

As you collect more data and need to align with evermore rigorous protocols and standards, we support you with Tier 2 and Tier 3 modeling frameworks.

Input data

The FLINTpro system must be able to run on a wide range of input data to serve users at various stages in a land sector analysis. In principle, the system requires only one input – what land are you interested in? – and fills in the details with pre-loaded default information. But, as users invest in learning more about their land, it can put that data to work to improve the accuracy of the analysis.
That data can take many forms:

Remote sensing

FLINTpro uses satellite-derived products to identify land cover changes such as forest cover loss and gain, landscape disturbances such as wildfire, and many other environmental variables. These can be open or private datasets and acquired by FLINTpro or our users.

Land management

In many cases, you will have deeper knowledge about your land than what satellites can tell you. Our models can incorporate the nuances of your land management practices including varying crop rotations, silviculture practices, controlled burning activities, and use of different tree species.

Other data

Jurisdictional data, risk maps, financial data, social data, and supply chain data are just some examples of key datasets that can be incorporated into a FLINTpro analysis to make the results more meaningful to your use case.

Analytics and reporting

While the FLINTpro platform generates vast troves of data about the land, that data is only actionable if tools exist to understand it. These tools must serve several use cases.

Streamlined reporting. Rapid land sector assessments are paired with simplified dashboards that communicate outputs and identify key risk factors and impacts. FLINTpro also streamlines reporting and accounting needs for popular use cases including regulatory reporting and target setting.

Complete data access for analysis. FLINTpro can be used as a scientific tool that provides complete transparency to technical teams. Powerful in-app pivot tables support flexible data discovery. All outputs are available in raw formats (TIFF files for spatial outputs, CSV for tabular outputs) that can be integrated with your data processes and analysis.

Frequently asked questions

What makes FLINTpro different from a remote sensing company?

We use remote sensing as one type of input to our connected platform for data, models, and analytics. While remote sensing is valuable for understanding past and present land use, it is not a panacea. It can’t be used for scenario models, which let users understand how carbon emissions and other factors are affected by different land management choices. It also has limitations, such as in differentiating untouched forest from a cocoa plantation. For that reason, we incorporate remote sensing data as one component alongside survey data and other ground-based measurements.

Do I need to purchase my own remote sensing data?

The platform incorporates open datasets by default. You may bring in remote sensing data that you have purchased yourself. We can advise you on the best use of paid data based on your needs and our long experience in this sector. We also have a network of data partners that we can work with to deliver a solution that meets your requirements.

What do you mean by Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 models?

These tiers were defined by the IPCC to categorize land sector models.

  • Tier 1 methods are simple and use standardized emission factors for different global regions.
  • Tier 2 methods use the same models as Tier 1 but apply country- or locally-specific emission factors.
  • Tier 3 methods are more advanced and involve the use of process models. They are typically tailored to meet national or local requirements.
Will you teach me how to use it? What if I don’t know what data and models I need?

Absolutely. Our Solutions team stands ready to support you at every stage. We provide training and support, and have a good selection of walkthrough and step-by-step guides to help you. We are also happy to run models on your behalf and guide you through interpreting the results.
